Saturday, March 3, 2012

Vacation Brain

Last year Theresa and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary.  We also had two kids get married, plus a number of other rather costly things that happened.  We didn't do much for our anniversary other than take our family out for dinner somewhere.  I think.  See, it was so forgettable that I couldn't tell you now, six months later, whether we went out or not, and if we did, where we might have gone.

So I saved up some of my spending money by brown bagging it for lunch and skipping some of the shopping I do for myself, and surprised Theresa at Christmas with the promise that I'd treat her to a two night stay at Grand Traverse Resort and Spa in March.

This is a really nice hotel, but before you think I must usually blow through my spending money, I have a deal through work that gives me half price on the room.  Given the fact that the relatively inexpensive winter rate lasts through the end of March, it wasn't too hard to come up with the cash.  I had time to plan and budget for this, and it's our anniversary, for crying out loud.

We made the reservation for Sunday and Monday nights this weekend.

I had a terrible time trying to concentrate on anything at work yesterday, because I couldn't wait to get home to get the weekend started.  I had Vacation Brain.  Today was just as bad.  Even though we have no plans for what we're going to do in Traverse City, we really can't wait to get there.  This afternoon after lunch Theresa asked if we could just go today instead of tomorrow.  Why not stay at a cheap motel just so we're out of town.  On vacation.

My practical brain said no.  Too many logistical issues with pets and kids.  Besides, the money could go toward a nice meal or something this week.

Vacation Brain screamed yes.  So of course I checked.  I found a motel with a book today internet deal: a queen room for just $35 for tonight.  Jeanette and Dave are staying at our house for the weekend already, so Nick and Allison will have supervision if we leave a day early.  The dogs and cats will have plenty of people to watch them.

Vacation Brain wins.  We're leaving for Traverse City in an hour or so.

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