Thursday, August 2, 2012


I listen to music all the time in my office at work.  I buy used CDs at thrift stores, online, and at stores.  My iPod has over 65 GB of music packed inside.  Plus, I make sure to listen to everything in my music library.

Every week I sync (synch?) my iPod to my iTunes library, then check for anything in my library that I haven't listened to yet.  That gets moved to my "Unplayed" playlist, and I start shuffling that list on Monday morning at work.

This week my unplayed list had 119 songs.  I got done listening to them about 6 this evening.  I worked until 9.  After going through the list, I went to one of my new CDs that I had really liked, and listened to it the rest of the time I was in my office.

That CD is "Love and Theft" by Bob Dylan.  I really like Dylan, but I don't know much about his music.  I know he's been a significant influence in American folk and rock music for as long as I have been alive, but I'm not full of Dylan trivia.  Until I found "Love and Theft" at a Salvation Army store last week, I had never heard of this album.  It might be a throwaway, contractual obligation, or one of his "worst" albums, something that was a commercial bomb that critics hate.

Doesn't matter.  I was mesmerized by the bluesy sounds of the songs.  The lyrics of "Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum" teased me.  I didn't hear Dylan's usual nasal twang, it was deeper and huskier.

I think this means I need to dig up more Dylan music.

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