Saturday, September 8, 2012

Reviewing My Preview

In January, I posted a "Year in Preview."  Not predictions, just speculations about what would happen with me this year.  Here's an update on the previews, which are listed in red.

I will get my first research study approved by the IRB.
This probably won't happen.  IRB shot down my one proposal, and my second proposal can't be submitted until we move our unit to the newly remodeled space.  I'll have to wait for at least 30 days after moving before putting the study together.  Since the move has been delayed until the end of September, it will be November at the earliest before I can submit the proposal.  Getting it approved by December is going to be iffy.

On the other hand, IRB did approve my poster presentation at a Spring research event as a quality improvement presentation.  So I sort of managed to correctly speculate here.

I will go backpacking twice this year.
Unfortunately, I haven't gone even once.  Now that it's already September, and my entire month is planned, the chances of getting out twice in October and November are pretty slim.

I will post at least twelve times to this blog.
I think this is post number eleven.  This looks solid.

I will continue to think about writing a book about psych nursing but won't make any real progress.I have sort of made progress.  Whether it's real or not will be more obvious after October.

I will not become a grandparent.
Amanda's due date is January 5.  Or 10.  As long as she doesn't go early, I got this one right.

I will travel to California once.
The trip is booked, I leave September 29 and come home October 8.

I will get an article published in a professional journal.
I received a request to contribute an article about teaching strategies for impacting the affective domain in January, and my article was published in March.  Also, in April my poster on best practices for care of the patient with dementia was accepted and I was a presenter at a research conference.

So if my previews were goals, I'll need to go backpacking and work on my research proposal and my book.  Since I simply guessed at things, I don't feel like I'm obligated, although being obligated to go backpacking isn't such a bad thing.