Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year in Previw

It's January 1, 2012.  News sources, Facebook, and other sites I frequent are filled with retrospective posts about the past year.  However, instead of a year in review, I decided to try a year in preview.  I'm not writing these as predictions, but here are a few things I expect to happen or not this year...

I will get my first research study approved by the IRB.

I will go backpacking twice this year.

I will post at least twelve times to this blog.

I will continue to think about writing a book about psych nursing but won't make any real progress.

I will not become a grandparent.

I will travel to California once.

I will get an article published in a professional journal.

Again, these aren't predictions.  They aren't resolutions either, although it's obvious that I'm going to have to resolve to do things in order to make a couple of these predictions come true.    And they aren't all wishful thinking, I'd be perfectly happy if I became a grandparent this year.